Coeducational Schools

Almost all public schools in America these days are coeducational schools.  When one thinks of single sex schools they tend to think of private or parochial high schools.  It is more popular for students to attend coeducational schools.  There are pro’s and con’s to the debate that coeducational schools are the best route for children.  Supporters of coeducational schools say that single sex schools support typical gender stereotyping.  Many also claim that children who attend single sex schools do not have the interaction with the opposite sex that they would get in a coeducational school. According to the article, Student Characteristics Associated with Girls’ Success in a Single-sex School, it claims that “Friendships are developed more naturally in coeducational schools.  Friendships develop naturally and genuinely because the mixing is a by-product of the event. This friendly atmosphere continues into the classroom allowing young people to express their views openly and assertively (Patterson 740).”  As one would assume, students that attend coeducational schools also tend to have more friends of the opposite sex than students who go to single sex schools.

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